Gum Removal Newcastle

Chemical-free gum removal services.

Call 0422 607 838 or 0422 648 670 today.

Our Superior Services

Working with our clients and achieving a superior outcome every time.
Call today!

Office: 0422 607 838

Technical: 0422 648 670

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Gum Removal Services

The right equipment incorporating our process ensures any amount of gum can be removed. No need for chemicals just precision, the right process and experience.

Gum oils penetrate the surface, removal shortly after noted avoids permanent marking. We recommend areas prone to gum once removed applying a penetrating surface sealer 100% non slip.

Sealing protects the surface from gum oil penetration, future removal made easier and ultimately saving our client money.

Warehouse Cleaning With Pressure Washing

For gum removal services, call 0422 607 838 or 0422 648 670 today.

Reliable Pressure Cleaning Service


Efficient Pressure Washing Newcastle


Affordable Exterior Cleaning


Personalized High Pressure Cleaning


Contact Us

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98 Weakley Drive,
Beresfield NSW 2322

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Office: 0422 607 838
Technical: 0422 648 670